Organic spring is here from June 1 to 15, 2018 and now it's time to get your hands dirty! Let's opt for permaculture, a way of life where animals, insects, human beings, plants and microorganisms live in harmony in a healthy and self-sufficient environment. Our advice on how to maintain your vegetable garden and take on eco-challenges without getting too caught up. Let's go, my kiwi!
- I prefer green manures such as mustard, rapeseed, phacelia, clover, vetch, broad beans and rye. They are temporary ground covers that improve the quality and structure of the soil, prevent weeds, erosion, leaching of the soil, and promote water infiltration once buried: a saving of time and work for the gardener!
- I compost by recovering my biodegradable kitchen and vegetable garden waste. A very useful and effective eco-gesture. I make 2 or 3 silos in which I will deliver and alternate layers of "green" and "dry" materials. Once the fermentation has taken place and the organic matter has been transformed into humus, I use this spread or buried compost to improve the properties of my soil.
- I find out about old and local varieties of vegetables or fruit trees that are generally less water-intensive and more resistant to drought. Then I adapt the choice of my plants and their physiological needs to the climatic conditions of the soil, the seasons and the exposure of my vegetable garden in order to consume less water.
- I optimize my watering with these few tips: mulching, hoeing, installation of a rain gauge and underground watering systems (drip irrigation, microporous pipes). I also collect rainwater and water my vegetable garden in the morning or evening when the water evaporation is less strong.
- I grow my organic fruits and vegetables : leeks, spring onions, celery, broccoli, lettuce can be replanted in water, garlic and ginger in the ground. At our herb friends, I make bouquets of basil, coriander, mint, lemongrass to replant after new roots are born.
- I recycle crates and crates of wine as planters, and pallets as vertical vegetable gardens. I collect toilet paper rolls, egg cartons or plastic bottles to make my seedlings and cans for my young plants. On the decoration side, I hang old light bulbs by planting small flowers in them and I transform my jars into a terrarium. Eco-gestures that are both responsible and decorative!